Please read the Streaming Policies:
All streaming sales are final. All purchases can be disputed directly through PayPal. If you are experiencing streaming issues, please contact Your streaming experience will depend on your device's connection to your data provider. Dedicated servers for the streaming videos are all over the world ensuring a balanced streaming experience. Any password sharing may result in the disqualification of purchased services.
Please note for Live Pay Per View Performance Streaming videos:
The Live Pay Per View Performance is NOT part of the regular subscription. If you are having any issues, please contact, but do NOT make multiple purchases of this ticket if you are experiencing issues. When you make a purchase a password will be emailed to the address where you made the purchase (this may be sent to your spam folder depending on your settings). If you do not receive a password, please contact ASAP. There are no refunds for Live Pay Per View Performance purchases. Please direct any questions or concerns you have to:
Live PPV Ticket Purchases Notice:
When you purchase a Live PPV Ticket, please note that this ticket is ONLY good for the actual live performance and NOT a replay. You must login during that time to view the performance. The scheduled show may not begin until a few minutes after the scheduled time, so please be patient.